Crossfit Kemah
Liability Release Waiver
This release is entered into between the undersigned and CrossFit Kemah including its coaches. The purpose
of CrossFit Kemah and its coaches is to provide fitness instruction and coaching for various levels of
The undersigned hereby acknowledges that the following was explained to me and/or agree to the following:
1. Acknowledges that Crossfit Kemah coaches are not physicians and are not trained in any way to
provide medical diagnosis, medical treatment, or any other type of medical advice.
2. Acknowledges that coaching/training is another tool for teaching athletes/individuals about
themselves, but Crossfit Kemah and its coaches does not guarantee all results will be the same.
3. Acknowledges that the undersigned has been told if they feel tired, feel pain, or feel out of the
ordinary in any way, they should consult a physician.
4. Acknowledges that bootcamps, aerobic classes, weightlifting, obstacle courses, and any other related
sports are an extreme test of one’s mental and physical limits and assumes the risk of participating in
these types of activities. The undersigned expressly waives, releases discharge, and agrees not to sue
from any liability of death, disability, personal injury, or action of any kind Crossfit Kemah and its
coaches for the undersigned participating in said sporting events or training.
5. Acknowledges that after recovery of Covid 19, any business that you enter has a possible risk for
contracting this or any other type of illness. You are agreeing to come into tis facility and accept all
risks. You are not to enter if you have had any symptoms of Covid 19 or have knowingly come into
contact with anyone who has Covid 19. The undersigned agrees that Crossfit Kemah and its coaches
are not held liable in any way. You must wash hands and disinfect any equipment used before and after.
6. Acknowledges that Crossfit Kemah is not responsible for any items lost or stolen from this property or
From vehicles while at this facility.
The undersigned agrees that this is the full agreement between parties, that Crossfit Kemah and its
coaches nor anyone else has not verbally contradicted any of the terms of this release, and that the
undersigned has entered into agreement fee voluntarily without force or coercion.
I understand that there is no refund policy.